Product Details Page

The product content page suggests choosing the recommendation type of "similar product recommendation" and using "In page product carousel", so that consumers can have more products to choose from at the moment and reduce the bounce rate.

  • Product content pages usually have many product banners in the product description, which can be placed above or below the first banner, or below "Add to Cart".

If the description is long, we recommend placing it below the product description and selecting "Similar Products Recommendation" so that consumers can continue to purchase other highly relevant products after entering the product content page.

  • If the product details page is short, product recommendations can be placed at the bottom, for example, on related products or customer reviews.

If you are a standard user or above, you can ask us to help you hide the "related products" from the original ecommerce platform so that consumers can find the products that match their personal preferences more intuitively.

Last updated